Our Vision

We want children to know that they are created by God in His image, so they are special and unique to God. Even though they are sinful and fallen, God has sent His own Son, Jesus, to rescue them. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, they enjoy the embrace of God the Father and the gift of life to the full that He gives to His children.

God has given us His Word to help us know Him and His heart. Children have the opportunity to learn and grow in their understanding of God by learning the truths of Scripture including redemptive history and how to apply biblical concepts to their lives. By teaching children the precepts of God’s Word, the Holy Spirit equips them to live as followers of Jesus.

God has created each child with purpose and special gifts. We want children to understand that they are equipped to take the message of the gospel into the world as Christ has commanded us. We will explore opportunities that God has given us to engage the world with the gospel by serving others and proclaiming the good news to our neighbors near and far.
Children's Ministry Information
- Both Worship Services (See class info below)
- 10am: Sunday School (during school year)
- Locations can be found on hall signage. To receive it in advance, please reach out to Lisa or Olivia (contact info at bottom of page).
- 1st & 3rd Sundays (early service): Preschool Worship classes for ages 3- K.
- 2nd & 4th Sundays (both services): Hope Kids Worship ages 3- 4th grade with 5th grade mentor opportunity
- 5th Sundays (both services): Hope Kids outreach project – ages 3- 5th grade
Parents should check their children in through the hallways computers. Children will remain in the service until the “Passing of the Peace.” At that time, they’ll be dismissed to join their teachers in the lobby. The children will rejoin the worship service after the sermon. There are always instructions in the bulletin for which class is being held that week.
Occasional parenting seminars and family activities are offered. They will be advertised on the website and in Looking Up (our weekly newsletter that you can sign up on our home page).
In harmony with Hope’s vision of “true hope for real life,” the nursery ministry at Hope seeks to give children and their families a glimpse of God’s gracious care and lavish love. We want to point children and their families to Jesus and his work so that they might build a relationship with him. We also long for the nursery ministry to help children experience a safe, loving community where they grow in understanding and knowledge of Christ’s love while parents are freed to worship—assured that their children are in a secure, nurturing environment. Our current services are as follows…
Nursery is available during the Sunday School hour for infants, one and two-year-old. Please check in your child at the computers located in the hallway upon arrival.
Nursery is available during worship services for infants, one and two-year-old. Please check in your child on the computers located in the hallway prior to coming to nursery.
The indoor nursing room (104) is available on Sunday mornings.