‘Tis So Sweet

David Speakman   -  

Dear Hope Church Family,

Our typical rhythm is to meet as a congregation at the end of January to remember the Lord’s faithfulness in the previous year and to ask for and corporately anticipate his continued kindness, provision, and power for the year to come. This year we are slated to gather as a congregation at the end of February, and yet I sense the need to communicate with you in advance of that meeting some of the ways we experienced God’s faithfulness in 2024.

Along with the entire Session, I want to recognize, celebrate, and express our gratitude for the unparalleled generosity that we are thriving in as a church. We certainly aspire to cultivate a community of generosity at Hope in which every person can participate in the grace of Gospel. We take our cue from the apostle Paul’s reflection upon the person and work of Jesus in 2 Corinthians 8:9: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.”

Our 2024 budget was a stretch for us at just over $1.2 million. We, as a congregation, gave over $1.4 million to the work of God’s kingdom in and through Hope. That is astounding and encouraging to me, and for such generosity we celebrate and give thanks. We had more than enough to meet our needs, and we enjoy a surplus of blessing to, in turn, bless others.

Numbers do tell a version of a story, to be sure, and sometimes the finer points of stats and figures are lost upon us. Within the large strokes of the 2024 financial picture, I actually take the most joy, pride (the right kind!), and inspiration from two sources further down the balance sheet:

  • The Deacon’s Mercy Fund received over $105,00 in gifts from our congregation, and the Deacons were able to give away over $104,000 to urgent financial, ministry, and mercy needs!
  • As part of our yearly operating budget, we approve giving 10% of our budget to Missions the world over. In 2024, we were able to invest close to $130,000 in Missions through support of local, national, and international partners.

We will be eager to share other highlights and encouragement when we gather in February, but I want you to hear how God is at work at Hope now. Please join me in praying, “‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus . . . Oh for grace to trust him more!”

Grace and peace,
